n short, Pandora is the media collector's web spider and search agent for Mac OS X. Images, video, music, and more - Pandora can scour the web and retrieve your precious files in no time flat*.
Top Six Features.
In the time it takes to grab a glass of water, Pandora is able to hunt down images by spidering a URL or performing a keyword-based search. A clear and intuitive interface guarantees you are underway in no time, and extensive preferences allow power users to flex their muscles. It can multitask, and after a rapid search based on the given criteria, Pandora prepares a SlideShow, providing you with a quick and comprehensive glance at discovered files.
What's the big deal with version 2?
Turning 2.0 is, in software years, the equivalent of becoming a teenager. And like any teen, Pandora is finally coming into its own: developing amazing new powers, reaching beyond adolescent boundaries, and getting an attitude. It has also started sleeping late and Quit cleaning its room, but I digress.